Direction One Consulting

Jun 11, 20222 min

A physics teacher from Prayagraj proves the experts wrong.

The experts said - you cannot follow your #passion to make money.

They said - you can follow your passion only after you earn enough money, #retire at 40 and then follow your passion as a #hobby.

Last week - a physics teacher from #prayagraj proved all the experts wrong.

#Alakhpandey started a #youtube channel in 2014.

#physicswallah took 4 years to reach 50,000 subscribers.

#physics coaching for #iitjee and #neet .

Formed a team with techie #PrateekMaheshwari and launched a platform in 2018.

Developed an application & website in 2020.

Today over 10,000 students across online and 20 offline centers.

And they take superb care of their teachers. They have over 500 of them.

Only four teachers have left in the last 6 years.

The teachers are also celebrities with Instagram following of thousands and lakhs.

YouTube subscribers 6.95 mn.

Revenues Rs 24 cr. Profits over Rs 6 cr.

Yes sir - this is one #edtech #unicorn that is actually profitable.

Bootstrapped till now.

First funding - an eye popping $100 mn. Valuation $1.1 bn.

Alakh pandey did not even know the meaning of the term "unicorn" till about 6 months back.

Positioning - High quality affordable education.

These guys are disrupting the test prep market, delivering low cost solutions of the highest quality with extraordinary learning outcomes for over 6 million students and growing.

Some of his statements would be making other #startupcommunity founders very uncomfortable.

If a business cannot make a profit, it is not a good business.

Selling a product worth Rs 100 for thousands of rupees and then calling it "costing" or "cashburn" is not sound business.

Money should never be a barrier to a student's education.

Remembering the famous dialogue from #3idiots.

Jahanpanah tussi great ho. Tohfa kabhool karo.

Salut - Alakh Pandey, Prateek Maheshwari and the team.

All the best for your growth in reaching more students, thru more products and vernacular languages.

#teacher #edtech #business #education #startup #growth #learning #elearning #instagram #funding #founders #students
